Impunity in Turkey Today

Impunity in Turkey Today
Immunity may be caused or facilitated by many systematic factors, including the lack of
appropriate legal mechanisms and the failure of states to react to, and investigate serious human
rights violations. As used in this report, “serious human rights violations” encompass grave
breaches of internationally protected human rights that are crimes under international law and/or
that require States to penalise, such as torture, enforced disappearance, extrajudicial, summary or
arbitrary execution. Under international law, States are under an obligation to “combat impunity as a matter of justice for the victims, as a deterrent with respect to future human rights violations
and in order to uphold the rule of law and public trust in the justice system.”
Download PDF
- The Reports
- Impunity in Turkey Today
- Press Freedom in Turkey
- Crimes Against Humanity under the Rome Statute in Turkey Today
- Abductions in Turkey Today
- Judicial Independence & Access to Justice
- Joint Monitoring Report on Enforced Disappearances in Turkey
- Compilation of Reports Submitted to The Tribunal
- Torture in Turkey Today