Meral & Mesut Kacmaz speaks up for #humanrights |
#SpeakUpForHumanRights #HumanRights abuses are happening every day in #Turkey.
Here are a few of those who speak up against these violations:
Meral and Mesut Kacmaz couple, both educationists, abducted and extradited with their teenager daughters from Pakistan to Turkey by Turkish authorities, imprisoned for months, forced to live in exile today.
But they refused to be silenced!
If you are victim of or witness to torture, enforced disappearance, abduction in Turkey, share your story with us.
Speak up! Make your voice heard!
So we can raise awareness about these abuses, help end them.
Send your story to speakup@turkeytribunal.com by email.
Be a part of the Turkey Tribunal.
To be continued…