Compilation of Reports Submitted to The Tribunal
This is the collection of detailed reports that have been compiled by independent experts to submit to the judges of Turkey Tribunal.
Press Freedom in Turkey
BY PHILIPPE LERUTH I JULY 2021 Press freedom is under immense pressure in Turkey. Too many journalists have already faced long convictions for the content of critical articles. The legal framework that has been put in place is imprecise and is open to interpretation and manipulation. This analysis will allow […]
Crimes Against Humanity under the Rome Statute in Turkey Today
BY PROF.DR. EM. JOHAN VANDE LANOTTE I AUGUST 2021 This report investigates if the acts of torture and the abductions, as described in the other reports presented to the Turkey Tribunal, can be qualified as crimes against humanity, according to the Rome Statute and the case law of the International Criminal […]
Abductions in Turkey Today
BY JOHAN HEYMANS | JULY 2021 This report aims to provide an answer to the key questions addressed to the Turkey Tribunal about abductions. These questions are: can we, taken in account the reports and the testimonies produced before the tribunal, conclude that abductions again are a part of […]
Torture in Turkey Today
BY ERIC SOTTAS. I MARCH 2021 This report aims to provide an answer to the key questions addressed to the Turkey Tribunal about torture. These questions are: Who are the targeted groups? What is the purpose and the motivation of the perpetrators? Is there a pattern in the way torture […]
Judicial Independence & Access to Justice
BY LUCA PERILLI I FEBRUARY 2021 This is the collection of detailed reports that have been compiled by independent experts to submit to the judges of Turkey Tribunal. The Ruin of Rule of Law in Turkey Since July 2016, the 96-year old Republic of Turkey, under the rule of its […]
Joint Monitoring Report on Enforced Disappearances in Turkey
Sümeyye Yılmaz, Fatma Betül Zeybek, Aycan Kaya, Zehra Genç Türkmen, Nilüfer Irmak, Mikail Ugan, and Nuray Tunç filed applications with the Human Rights Center of the Ankara Bar Association on 25.04.2019, 03.05.2019, 13.05.2019, 17.05.2019, 24.05.2019, 14.05.2019, and 29.08.2019 respectively, and lawyers that are member to the Human Rights Center of […]