Freedom of The Press and Expression
This report aims to provide an answer to the key questions addressed to the Turkey Tribunal about Freedom of The Press and Expression.

Freedom of The Press and Expression
These questions are:
Can Turkey at this stage be considered as a country within which a sufficient degree of freedom of the press and freedom of expression is guaranteed, so it can be in compliance with the standards of a good functioning democracy?
Can the decisions taken by the Turkish government (still) be considered as a reaction linked to the “ coup d’etat” or need they to be evaluated as a way to “destroy” the voices and/or organizations critical towards the government in Turkey.
The Turkey Tribunal (The Tribunal) is an Opinion Tribunal. It is neither a regular court subject to a State’s judicial system, nor a court established by a Treaty or an international organisation. It is a Tribunal established by civil society and serves as an instrument and platform to give recognition, visibility and a voice to people who allegedly suffer(ed) violations of their fundamental rights.
TurkeyTribunal 2021 Rapporteur
Intervention of the Rapporteur - Philippe Leruth

Turkey Tribunal
The Witnesses
The Witnesses
Witnesses described their experiences with full clarity.
if You Have Any Questions, You Can Send Us An E-mail
Freedom of The Press and Expression
Freedom of the press in Turkey has been a highly debated topic since the creation of the modern
Turkish Republic. During certain periods, notably when the military has exercised power, this
freedom has been particularly limited. In retrospect, Kurdish-speaking journalists, (far) left-wing
journalists and independent investigative journalists have been particularly targeted. What is
the state of freedom of the press in Turkey today? Has the lack of respect for the freedom of
the press become a fundamental marker of Turkey’s legal and political landscape? Has the state
of freedom of the press deteriorated since Recep Tayyip Erdogan took office, first as Prime
minister and then as head of State, and especially since the attempted coup of 15 July 2016?
This report aims to shed significant light on the current state of freedom of the press in Turkey
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The Turkey Tribunal (The Tribunal) is an Opinion Tribunal. It is neither a regular court subject to a State’s judicial system, nor a court established by a Treaty or an international organisation. It is a Tribunal established by civil society and serves as an instrument and platform to give recognition, visibility and a voice to people who allegedly suffer(ed) violations of their fundamental rights.
* Please note that all Turkey Tribunal steering committee members, judges, rapporteurs, witnesses participate in Turkey Tribunal on voluntary basis, and no one of them will be paid for their contributions to the tribunal. All the proceeds raised through our fundraising will go to logistics, accommodation, venue for the tribunal and such costs during the tribunal hearings in Geneva in September 2021. Following the hearings in Geneva, the remaining funds will be directed to the financing of International Criminal Court application by our team of experts.